Root Canal Procedure: The Best Remedy for Tooth Aches

Root Canal Procedure: The Best Remedy for Tooth Aches

Posted by Calypso Dental May 17,2023

DA root canal is a dental procedure that involves the removal of the pulp, a soft tissue located inside of a tooth. The pulp consists of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue that facilitates the tooth’s growth. 

The procedure is necessary when a tooth’s nerve is inflamed or infected due to a crack, chip, or advanced tooth decay.

We perform restorative and cosmetic treatments to keep you smiling, pain and worry-free. Keep reading to learn more about root canal procedures.

When Do You Need a Root Canal?

To understand when a root canal procedure is needed, you first need to understand what goes on inside your tooth. 

As mentioned, the pulp is a crucial part of your tooth. When it is damaged, it allows for bacteria to spread and multiply in the pulp chamber. When left untreated, this bacteria can cause an infection and lead to an abscessed tooth.

Some of the other situations that can make a root canal procedure necessary are:

  • Tooth injury 
  • Teeth that require several dental procedures 
  • Deep decay caused by an untreated cavity
  • Chips or cracks in the tooth

What Happens During a Root Canal Procedure?

Each root canal procedure involves the following steps:

  • Anesthesia: For starters, our dentist will numb your gums by administering an anesthetic. You are likely to feel a pinch, but the sensation will pass quickly.
  • Pulp Removal: Next, the dentist will make a tiny hole in the top part of the tooth to remove the pulp.
  • Sealing: After the pulp is removed, the hole will be sealed with a sealant paste called gutta-percha.
  • Temporary Filling: Lastly, the dentist will apply a temporary filling to the tooth to prevent any further damage. On your next visit a few days later, our team will remove the temporary filling and replace it with a permanent one.

If you need a root canal procedure in Kent, Washington, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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